Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Arts & Crafts Safe For Infants

I haven't blogged in awhile. I truly apologize. I guess the stresses of being a Young Workin' Mommie really began to kick in and my down moments consisted of sleeping, showering, and trying to shove food down my throat before Dreux woke up. But as Dreux gets older and I become more confident in my Mommie role I have learned to juggle it all. Dreux is now 7months and VERY mobile! Chasing her around the house and removing all inedible objects from within her reach is a full time job. Although she is not walking yet, she is a pretty fast crawler.

As Dreux's first fall arises, there are many activities I wanted Dreux to partake in to commemorate her Firsts! (Really it's more of a self gratification because Dreux won't remember a thing lol) With Halloween right around the corner I thought it would be fun to get some arts and crafts going! So here I was Googling age appropriate arts and crafts. I came across a recipe for homemade non-toxic edible finger paints. Because the paint is made from 100% edible ingredients, if she had decided to stick one of those tiny fingers in her mouth, I don't have to worry (although im sure it probably doesn't taste all that great). 

So needless-to-say, Dreux and I spent our Sunday afternoon finger painting with Mommie's homemade paint and making scary spiders. After leaving Michaels Arts and Craft store, I knew it wouldn't be long before I returned. I think I'm in love with that place!

I had a GREAT time creating these little mementoes with Dreux, and although she would have much rather licked the paint and ball up all the construction paper, I just enjoyed sharing this memory with her and wanted to share it with you all. 

If any other "artsy" or creative Mommies are looking to do something crafty with the kids, see what Dreux and I made! Super easy and super safe! Happy Halloween (Oh and BTW she's a duck for Halloween and is taking pictures today; I'm sure she'll hate me for it when she's 16 lol)

Homemade Finger Paint
1 cup of cornstarch
1 cup of cold water
2-3 cups of boiling water
Food coloring
**The trick to this is adding the cornstarch to cold water FIRST then SLOWLY adding the boiling water to the mix. I did it the other way first and got cornstarch balls lol. 
1.) Gently stir mix while over heat.
2.) Once it reaches a consistency similar to pudding or custard immediately take it off the heat.
3.) Add the coloring of your choice and allow to cool!

 **Always place a mat or old sheet down in case of messes! 

Scary “Hand’ Spiders
Your child's hands
Black Felt
"Googly" Eyes
Glue & Scissors 
1.) Trace your child's hands. I used construction paper then used that cut-out as a stencil
2.) Glue the thumbs together
3.) Glue eyes and any other decoration to your liking
(Her hands look rather large, but i just traced them a little too big)

Happy crafting and have a safe and fun Halloween  

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