Monday, July 14, 2014

Goodbye Accounting! Hello Marketing & Communications!

"How can I tell my daughter to follow her dreams if I never follow mine". This is something I have been telling myself for the last 2 years. Struggling to reach a point in my career where I was genuinely happy. Those that know me, know how much of a struggle it has been to juggle motherhood with a career I pretty much hated! How can I motivate myself to get up and leave my child everyday to go to a job that is not fullfilling. What justification do I have? Oh that's right! A two year old who needs food, shelter, and clothing; so leaving my job didn't seem like the best option (even though I considered it many, MANY times) Afterall I did spend 5 years of college and 2 years of summer internships in this field. Not to mention this hefty student loan I'm paying back for these two degrees. So I stuck it out! I prayed! I networked and researched. Awaiting for the day I would finally find that "right fit". The questions I asked myself were: 

1) What do I want to do? What would make me excited to come to work?
2) What are my passions? What are my gifts?
3) Will my family be ok if I were to take a pay cut by switching careers? How long (months) could we sustain if I left my job? 
4) Where do I even begin? Will I need to go back to school? 

Changing careers can be tough and require a lot of patience, time, research, and support. It definetely is not something you want to go into lightly, especially with a family. Every decision you make, affects them as well. The most debilitating thing you can do, however, is to stay in a miserable and stressful situation. Yes Mommies we need money but at the end of the day your demeanor will affect your families. I was coming home stressed and exhausted. My job had taken so much energy during the day, I had very little left to pour into my husband and daughter when I got home; and that wasn't fair to them or myself. 

Enough was enough! I was all cried out and the complaining was getting old! So I put myself out there! I did the uncomfortable! I expressed my goals to those I knew could help me reach them. I networked and took on projects outside the scope of my regular duties at work. Months later and it finally paid off.  Today marks the first day of my new career as the Digital Communications Specialist. I was fortunate to stay at my current employer and move into a developing department. It was not an easy road and trust me it doesn't happen over night, but I'm blessed for the journey that got me here! A weight has been lifted from my shoulders as I finally feel as though I am walking into my destiny. I'm sure my family and friends are excited to see a more happier me

Lead by example Mommies. Follow your dreams and show those babies that "if Mommie can do it, you can do it". 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Breaking All The Rules...Sometimes :)

Where do I even begin? Life! Boy does it hit hard! 25 years old and I feel 65 some days. Tired out of my mind! Is this life?? My daughter is so full of energy and the minute I step foot in the door from work, Mommie is on! Dancing, singing, making dinner, dishes (repeat). We haven't accounted for the thousands of emails I need to reply too; the events I have on my plate to coordinate; getting my Instagram fix; and the husband who gets the leftovers of, whatever of "me", remain lol! Monday through Friday it's the same thing. So with the weather finally showing us some mercy, it's only right we switched it up a bit! A couple of weeks ago we took Dreux to get frozen yogurt for the first time at Red Mango! It was so simple and so inexpensive but Dreux was experiencing this for the first time! Mouth completely covered in strawberry and white chocolate swirl yogurt she looks up and me with the biggest grin and says "this is really good Mommie". I melted! Lol I took for granted that this world is new to her. *cues Aladdin's A Whole New World song*  Lol! All the things I've seen, she is seeing for the very first time. I get it now. When you are a mom you pretty much live life all over again! It's so important for us busy moms to set the smart phone aside and interrupt our daily routines a bit! Life can be pretty mundane if we don't! So what she isn't in bed by 8:30 a few nights. And for dinner she had a turkey sandwich and frozen yogurt! So freaking what! Lol creating those lasting memories while they are little means so much more! As parent it's up to us to ensure these little extensions of ourselves enjoy their childhood! Adulthood can be a lot less fun. 

(unless wine is involved of course HAHA)