Monday, July 23, 2012

Sick Day! :-(

The hardest thing a mother has to do is watch their little one get sick. On Thursday when I picked Dreux up from daycare, one of her teachers told me she thought Dreux was getting sick. She had been fussy all day and she was sounding very congested. Not wanting to place blame, but I asked if any of the other kids had been sick. She told me no, but I DISTINCTLY remember one of the other infants coughing one morning when I dropped her off. I didn’t cause a scene I packed up my child and left. When we got home I gave Dreux some children’s Tylenol just in case her little system was trying to brew up a cold. She didn’t have a fever and I wanted to cut any chance of her getting one. I put her PJs on and prayed she didn’t get sick. That night my mom and sis brought over a Vicks Vaporizer, some medicated liquid, and some Baby Rub (or baby vicks). She was a little congested so I put a few drops of saline in her nose before she went to bed. At 4 o’clock that next morning my baby woke up coughing. And not just a cute little dry cough. The type of cough where you hear the phlegm; quite similar to the cough of that child at her daycare. I went to pick her up from the bassinet and snot was preventing my baby from breathing. I went and got the bulb aspirator and began suctioning out her nose. She screamed of course for a good 5 minutes. I nursed her and she went back to sleep. I called my job and informed them that I would be working from home because I had a sick child.

The entire day consisted of sneezing, coughing, crying, sleeping, and eating. My poor child’s eyes were so puffy and water, my heart broke in millions of pieces. Dreux, however, was still herself. Smiling as usual and bouncing and kicking those legs. Every now and then she would get a little miserable when her nose was too stuffy to breathe. I kept the vaporizer on all day and rubbed Baby Rub on her chest and throat. Every time she sneezed I was running to her with suction bulb in one hand and a roll of tissue in the other. Dreux had to have sneezed a least a 100 times because I went through an entire roll of tissue. I rubbed Vaseline on her nose to make sure it didn’t get irritated or raw from me wiping it all day. She is definitely on her road to recovering. But now, who will take care of Mommie? Two days later, I caught the bug; it’s very common for parents to get sick especially when caring for a sick child. I can’t tell you how many times Dreux coughed and sneezed right in my face while I held her in my arms. I knew it was bound to happen.

Caring for Dreux was one obstacle. Caring for Dreux when Mommie is sick, is a even BIGGER obstacle. Since I am still breastfeeding, [so help me GOD] there isn’t much medication I can take. A friend brought me some orange juice, so that, coupled with water, Vicks VaporRub, and my vitamins I SHOULD be ok….Thank God for Dial antibacterial soap…..

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Guess Who's Getting Married!!!!!!!!!!!

Almost forgot the MOST important part of my trip….

So, I am on my way to being a Young Workin Mommie AND WIFE! Derek proposed outside of the Lincoln Memorial on July 5, 2012 (Dreux’s 4month birthday lol) A new journey of my life is about to begin. :-)

Family Vacation Part 2: How We Lost 2 Blankets!

The day of our trip finally arrived. Everything was going well. We arrived at the airport 2hours in advance just to make sure we planned for any unplanned “hiccups”. When we got to security we were escorted to a separate line for individuals with strollers and wheelchairs. Perfect! We could take our time without worrying about holding up the line. We broke down the stroller, alerted TSA I was carrying breastmilk and ice packs, and proceeded through security. Before boarding I went to change Dreux because the lavatories on the plane are so small and unsanitary. Trying to ensure I changed her quickly and made it back to the gate before they called zone, I had to work fast. When I got on the plane I noticed her receiving blanket had fallen. And of course no one would allow us off the plane to search for it. I wasn’t completely distraught because I figured if it had fallen on the airport floor, I probably wouldn’t want it anymore anyway. Oh well, counted it as a lost. What I didn’t know was this was only the first of two receiving blankets I would lose on this trip.

Dreux did great. She slept through both flights, which included a layover flight in which we ended up having to run to catch. I followed behind Derek with baby-in-arm as he strutted through the airport with the stroller, car seat, diaper bag, his computer bag, garment bag, my breast pump, and Dreux’s colorful chain rattle adorned on his wrist. Super Dad! All-in-all we made the flight! We got to DC at 1am. By the time we arrived Dreux was sleep and slept the duration of the night. What a perfect trip! She didn’t cry, and although our first flight was delayed an hour and 10min, we didn’t miss our layover and we arrived at our destination safely. Couldn’t have been better…..It wasn’t until the flight home, things got REAL! (lol)

Fast forward to departure day….

We arrived at Reagan National Airport with just enough time to check bags, get through security and make a QUICK bathroom break. Derek and I decided to use the companion bathroom in the hopes that we can expedite our diaper changing experience. I reached into Dreux’s bag  to grab a clean diaper and to my surprise….no more diapers!  Oh boy! Not a problem though right? I remember seeing some diapers and wipes in the Chicago airport the day we left for DC. So I just knew this airport would have some. I sent Derek out to grab some diapers but to our dismal, there were none! Ok creative Mommie start thinking. We have a flight about to board in about half an hour. I began searching through the bag to see what materials I could use to make a makeshift diaper. An overnight maxi-pad and a receiving blanket was all I found so I proceeded to “make a diaper”. I folded the receiving blanket into a triangle and placed the pad in the center. I made two ties on both thighs, snapped her onsie and threw her undies back on. (She had on a cute sun dress that day with matching undies.) The plan was to pray this makeshift diaper lasted us through the hour and a half long flight enough for Derek to grab some diapers when we dropped him back off in Atlanta. (For the readers who don’t know, yes, Derek lives in Atlanta and I live in Chicago.) However, once the plane landed I had all of 10min to get to my plane. Derek helped me to my gate kissed us goodbye and I was carried Dreux in arm on the plane. My mind was racing, I was sweating, and little did I know, Dreux was peeing. I sat in my seat and noticed a warm trickle on my leg. To this day I have not been able to successful decipher whether or not it was slop or pee…I like to think slob, but I’m much more certain it’s the latter. I lifted Dreux up and her pants were soaked! My heart began to race. I wrapped the blanket around her bottom, which was now wet as well, and prayed we could get through the flight. Dreux got fussy and I knew we weren’t going to make it. I gave her a bottle and prayed the plane would take off soon. As we watched the passengers board, I saw a lady with her husband and daughter; whom seemed to be around the same age as Dreux. The sat in the row right in front of us. Is it improper to ask for a diaper? How would I feel? Just before I left my pride convince me not too, Dreux did the unthinkable. SHE BEGAN TO POOP!!!! Needless to say pride went right out that window because there was no way I would let my child sit in pee and now POOP, for an entire flight. The lady was nice and gave me a diaper and even offered wipes. Because we were beginning to taxi, I couldn’t go to the lavatory to change her. Luckily there were two empty seats in the row across from me. I changed Dreux on the seat and felt the eyeballs of everyone around watch as I tried to secretly dispose of her soiled receiving blanket/pad getup. My heart was racing, I was sweating and embarrassed and I felt horrible for not packing enough diapers. Dreux didn’t seem to mind much because she kicked the entire time I changed her. I changed her clothes and dumped everything else in. This was Dreux’s fourth plan ride this week, and the first one in which I traveled alone with her. After everything was situated, we were fine. Dreux stayed up the entire flight this time. All-in-all it wasn’t a complete disaster. I guess it could have been worse…right???

And that is the story of how we lost two receiving blankets.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Family Vacation!! Part I :-)

Tomorrow evening Dreux, Derek, and myself are taking our talents to DC! This will be Dreux’s very first plane ride and although I hate flying myself, I’m excited and very prayerful she enjoys the flight. I have done extensive research on things to bring and things to do when flying with an infant. For instance, since 9 11, babies must fly with identification as well so I had to make sure the birth certificate was already in the baby bag. Also, being that I am a nursing mom, I must alert security that I am traveling with expressed breast milk and a cooler and hope there aren’t any issues. I’m pretty sure I over packed, but I’ve come to learn there really is no such thing as being “over packed” with a baby. From the baby Bjorn and travel bed to extra bibs, pacifiers, the Moby Wrap, her weatherproof carrier shield, stroller, and about 10 outfits, I’m sure we’re ready for anything! (Mind you we will only be there until Saturday) I have managed, however, to condense all my stuff and Dreux’s stuff into one luggage and one baby bag! Go Me! (I quickly gave up the need to carry purses once Dreux was born, so I guess the Louis will have to stay L)

I plan to arrive at the airport hours in advance to make room for any mishaps i.e. baby meltdowns, spills, bath room breaks for mom, etc. I think I got this, how hard can it be… right? I’m just hoping I’m not “that girl” with the screaming baby on the plane everyone despises. LOL. This shall be an adventure for all of us.

“Dreux please be good for mommmie”.

To be continued…