Monday, July 23, 2012

Sick Day! :-(

The hardest thing a mother has to do is watch their little one get sick. On Thursday when I picked Dreux up from daycare, one of her teachers told me she thought Dreux was getting sick. She had been fussy all day and she was sounding very congested. Not wanting to place blame, but I asked if any of the other kids had been sick. She told me no, but I DISTINCTLY remember one of the other infants coughing one morning when I dropped her off. I didn’t cause a scene I packed up my child and left. When we got home I gave Dreux some children’s Tylenol just in case her little system was trying to brew up a cold. She didn’t have a fever and I wanted to cut any chance of her getting one. I put her PJs on and prayed she didn’t get sick. That night my mom and sis brought over a Vicks Vaporizer, some medicated liquid, and some Baby Rub (or baby vicks). She was a little congested so I put a few drops of saline in her nose before she went to bed. At 4 o’clock that next morning my baby woke up coughing. And not just a cute little dry cough. The type of cough where you hear the phlegm; quite similar to the cough of that child at her daycare. I went to pick her up from the bassinet and snot was preventing my baby from breathing. I went and got the bulb aspirator and began suctioning out her nose. She screamed of course for a good 5 minutes. I nursed her and she went back to sleep. I called my job and informed them that I would be working from home because I had a sick child.

The entire day consisted of sneezing, coughing, crying, sleeping, and eating. My poor child’s eyes were so puffy and water, my heart broke in millions of pieces. Dreux, however, was still herself. Smiling as usual and bouncing and kicking those legs. Every now and then she would get a little miserable when her nose was too stuffy to breathe. I kept the vaporizer on all day and rubbed Baby Rub on her chest and throat. Every time she sneezed I was running to her with suction bulb in one hand and a roll of tissue in the other. Dreux had to have sneezed a least a 100 times because I went through an entire roll of tissue. I rubbed Vaseline on her nose to make sure it didn’t get irritated or raw from me wiping it all day. She is definitely on her road to recovering. But now, who will take care of Mommie? Two days later, I caught the bug; it’s very common for parents to get sick especially when caring for a sick child. I can’t tell you how many times Dreux coughed and sneezed right in my face while I held her in my arms. I knew it was bound to happen.

Caring for Dreux was one obstacle. Caring for Dreux when Mommie is sick, is a even BIGGER obstacle. Since I am still breastfeeding, [so help me GOD] there isn’t much medication I can take. A friend brought me some orange juice, so that, coupled with water, Vicks VaporRub, and my vitamins I SHOULD be ok….Thank God for Dial antibacterial soap…..

1 comment:

  1. It's inevitable...our little one's sickness is almost always transferred to us mommies :-( I know the feeling. I hope you and the little lady feel better!
