Dreux was BIT by another student on her right arm”.
I’m sorry! Did I read that correctly? You mean to tell me, a human child decided to sink his teeth into my baby’s flesh! (Yes that’s a little exaggerated but so what). What is a mother to say to that and how do I teach my child to protect herself from being bit again? What on earth is going on with that child that (s)he found it ok to bite another child? Perhaps (s)he was hungry and mistakenly thought Dreux’s arm was a delectable treat! Or maybe, (S)HE slipped and Dreux’s arm broke their fall whole their mouth was open. Or MAYBEE it’s a common thing in their house. Maybe they all go around biting each other, along with the family pets. Whatever the case is, I know my child better not come home with bite marks again, or Mommie will be sinking her teeth into a lot more! (And yes it left a noticeable mark).
On a serious note, I did act very calm when speaking to the teacher to ensure the other parents were notified. At this age (young than 2) a lot of behavior is “learned”. Meaning they have seen it done before or there may be some underlying behavioral issues. They ensured me that the parents were notified and if it becomes a consistent problem, they will take the proper steps to ensuring (s)he gets the proper attention (s)he needs. I know children will be children and Dreux is probably going to get pushed and shoved and hit. But it’s up to us, her parents, to teach her how to defend herself. What did your parents teach you? If someone hits you, hit them back. Its the "Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Does that even apply here? So do I say “when someone bites you, bite them back”? I’m a little confused with this one. And since Dreux is practically two, I'm sure she will not fully understand the Golden Rule LOL. And while I don’t condone violence in any matter, I don’t want my child getting picked on either. Geez, I’ve got my work cut out for me.
Any advice? Any other parents experienced a child getting bit? Is this normal behavior? Or maybe your child is the biter? 😳Feel free to comment.
Wow, you and Derek are terrific parents! I know it probably gets hectic at times, but it seems like you all have a great balance. Sure makes me appreciate being able to stay at home with my Munchkin.. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteChanel B.