Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Morning Sickness

If you are one of the lucky ladies to
experience morning sickness, which actually feel more like every day sickness,
this one is for you.

For the first trimester I was SICK! I couldn't keep anything down, and at my first appointment I had actually lost weight. There were a few things that seemed to help, hope it helps you too!

3 of my FavoriteTummy Settling Snacks

1.) "Chimes Original Ginger Chews". My aunt actually found these at
Marshalls but i believe you can find them at a local drug store. They are very
strong chewy pieces of ginger candy. I've tried both original and mango flavor
and they work wonders on unsettled stomachs. Keep a few in your purse or at
your desk at work.

2.) Lemon drops. These can be found at Walgreens. I kept these in my purse as
well and alternated between the Ginger Chews.

3.) Ginger Ale. Juice and water was like drinking acid water. The only thing
that I could tolerate was Ginger Ale. Try different flavors as well such as
Cranberry Ginger Ale or Raspberry Ginger Ale. Other soda pops were too sweet
and intensified my sickness.

Morning (or ALL DAY) Sickness Tips

1.) Eat small snacks throughout the day. Try to keep something in your stomach,
even if it’s a few crackers. Ironically, food can help with the horrible “nauseousness”
you may be experiencing. Keep saltines by the bed and pop one in as soon as you
wake up and before you go to bed.

2.) Avoid greasy foods and spicy foods. It will only aggravate your tummy and
make you feel worst.

3.) Stay active. As much as you may want to lie in the bed, staying active and
moving around can help alleviate morning sickness. Being active can help keep
your mind off how sick you are feeling.

4.) If you crave something (that won't harm you or the baby) eat it! It’s hard
keeping food down so when your body craves ice cream and potato chips, EAT IT.

5.) Make sure to take your pre-natal vitamins. During this time your baby is
beginning to develop and since you are unable to provide all the nutrients, or keep
them down, pre-natal vitamins are very important to ensure you and baby will be

6.) Avoid foods with strong smells. Everything smelled horrible to me. I would
walk around the house with my nose covered to avoid the smell of boiling water.
Let people know to be sensitive to your overly strong sense of smell. Hey
you're pregnant, they better, you can't help it!

7.) Chew gum! The minty flavor of Winterfresh for some reason settled my tummy.
Peppermint hard candy can be helpful as well. Also try mint tea, but make sure

8.) Eat bland foods. Crackers, toast, rice cakes, etc. Overly sweet, fried, or
flavored foods can intensify nausea.

9.) Get some fresh air. Remember those crazy nights after drinking in college
and how the number one remedy was to drink water and go outside to get fresh
air.....well it works. Open your bedroom windows at night if the temperature
permits and ride in the car with the windows cracked.

The very THOUGHT of food made me sick, so I understand how hard it can be. But
be strong ladies, this too shall pass. :-)

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