Friday, August 8, 2014

Potty Training Chronicles...Part III

This potty training thing has been a journey! 2 months shy of a year later and I'm proud to say Dreux is 98% potty trained!!! I say 98% because she still has a few overnight accidents; although she wakes up dry more often than not.

Lesson 4: Be patient and aware of your child's queues

How we did it! We tried a couple techniques, most of which didn't work! Lol we did the whole "cold turkey" thing and took her out of pull ups all together. Let's just say I got tired of cleaning pee from my floors, her bedroom carpet, and her Barbie Jeep. Every 15mins like clockwork we were sitting her on the toilet. Sometimes she went, sometimes she didn't. And other times she went on the floor! Some parents I spoke to said it worked for them and their kids were fully potty trained over the course of a weekend. Ha! Dreux wasn't having it! I think this method actually set up back. Forcing her into panties too soon when she just wasn't ready. Going Cold Turkey #fail

So we back tracked; put her back in pull ups full time and encouraged her to pee in the "big girl toilet" whenever SHE wanted; using treats and stickers as incentives. We even went as far as using potty time Elmo. Every time she went potty so did Elmo and she would get a new sticker on her Elmo potty chart next to the toilet! She got so excited every time she got a new sticker! Finally! This is working. 
Lesson 5: Do what's best for your child and take a step back if you have too.

As the weeks went on she got better and better. It wasn't until she started her new school it finally happened! It was suggested that we bring in undies for Dreux since she was doing so well with going  to the potty on her own. I was skeptical at first. But if that's what they suggest then so be it; it's their mess to clean now. LOL The first day I sent her to school in panties, I sent extra everything anticipating that this girl would flood the whole school. Extra pants, extra undies, and a ton of pull-ups- in the event they regretted their decision and resorted back them. Ironically enough she remained dry the entire day! I couldn't believe it! How could I not have faith in my child? So the next day we did it again, and the next. By the end of the week Dreux had managed to return home in the same clothes I sent her to school in!! Not one accident the entire week! I was so excited! That weekend I took her to the Disney store and let her pick out whatever toy she wanted! A few months in and Dreux is still doing very well! (Well minus the little mishap in the frozen yogurt shop a few weekends ago....I'll post about later lol)

Using Rewards/Incentives #win LOL Call it what you want but the reward system worked for us! A few stickers here....a chocolate chip cookie there and a lot of patience!! After we bought her undies we told her she could only wear them if she promised to stay dry! Another incentive. Every day she would say "Mommie I want to wear my panties" and every day I reminded her that in order to wear them, she had to use the potty and tell Mommie when she had to go! She started catching on and now she won't go day without them! Next! Lol jk