Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Potty Training Chronicle I: Do Gloves Come with This?

So the Princess received her royal throne in the mail about two weeks ago; around the same time I was preparing to go out of town, yet again, for work. I figured we could start the potty training process once I returned. However, Daddie took it in his own hands and decided to start without me. Leading up to the days of my departure, we slowly introduced the potty to her. Showing her how it worked and what it is used for. The one we bought is a pink and yellow Mickey and Minnie Mouse 3-in-1 potty chair with a handle that yells "horray!" when you "flush" it. Its a potty chair, a seat cover and step stool all in one...not all at the same time though of course.

So far she seemed to love it! For a while she would just sit there and pull the handle to hear the cheers, but wouldn't actually "go". The day before I left for my week long trip, she did it!! She popped in the potty!! We were ecstatic! Until I realized that potty training is actually quite nasty! As I looked in the potty, a turd grinned back at me! This clean up is gong to be a bit messy. Anyone who knows me, knows I do not do well with bodily fluids...even if it is my own child's.

Lesson 1: Line the removable container of the potty chair with a plastic grocery bag. It makes it a ton easier....and less gross. (Lesson 1.5: make sure the bag doesn't have a hole......)

Now in Dreux's case, the plastic lining method had gone in vain the night Daddie took this potty training thing into his own hands. As I FaceTimed Dreux and took screen shots of my big girl on the potty, all of a sudden the screen goes white and I'm getting a strange angular view of the ceiling. In between the phone hitting the floor and Daddie pleading for Dreux to STOP, she did it...yep...right there on the floor. We don't know what made Dreux stand up mid-poop, but Daddie had a job on his hands.

This is going to be a bit more challenging than I thought. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Potty Training Chronicles:PREFACE

Potty Training! Oh joy! I must be honest, this is the one part of parenting I was never really looking forward too. How in the WORLD am I suppose to teach and coach someone, who barely understands English, to "go" in this giant hole in the floor. But the time has come. Dreux is a year and a half, and I am ready! 

For the last few weeks Dreux has be accompanying me to the bathroom (her decision at first, not mine). So I began explaining to her what Mommie was doing. "Pee Pee...in toilet. You got that Dreux?" She would shake her head empathetically as if she really knew exactly what I was telling her. I've continued this conversation almost everyday now. It wasn't until a few weeks ago when she began motioning to me exactly where the "pee pee" and "boo boo" came from on her body. And telling me the she had to go "pee pee" or "boo boo" (after the fact of course). OK! She's getting it; we are making progress. But this past weekend when Dreux decided to "go" in the toilet with Daddie's help, we knew it was definitely time to start this process! 

So I went on line today and ordered a 3-in-1 Mickey & Minnie training potty which should be here by Friday! Now I can't wait!! So excited and eager to see how this goes. Stay tuned for the: 

Potty Training Chronicles!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Kids & Kooties

Upper respiratory infection, common, cold, pinkeye, ear infections, and croup –all things Dreux has had in her 18 months of life! Derek and I do our best to keep germs at bay by using antibacterial soap in the house; making sure people remove their shoes when entering our home; and encouraging Dreux to wash her hands every time she comes in the house and before she eats. However, the little booger seems to keep bringing her classmate’s boogers, and everything else they may have, home with her! It comes with the territory. It’s only so much you can do right? It’s inevitable, they are going to get sick and pass their cooties around twice before they come home from school. It’s a blessing and a curse. Her little immune system is building itself up and by the time she is a kindergartener, a little cough and a sneeze won’t affect her as much as it does now. The doctor says it’s actually better for her to get it now then later. But it just pains my heart to see her tiny body hunched over, feverish, in pain.

The first time we wound up in the ER, we were immediately informed her temperature was 106! As a first time mom, I was worried. It was found to be an ear infection and nothing “serious”. An ear infection is common! Cool! No worries. We got her started on Amoxicillin and prayed it would clear up soon. However, just 2 days later, Dreux broke out all over in a red rash! Yep you guessed it - an allergic reaction to Amoxicillin, a type of Penicillin. My poor angel. As we found out, Dreux has a mild allergic reaction to Penicillin; as if she hadn’t suffered enough. Back to the doctor we go! Within 10 days she was on another antibiotic and back to herself! We’ve been to the ER and “walk-in office” visits about 3 times since then. Once for pink-eye and twice for what they diagnosed as croup and an upper respiratory infection. Its amazing how the minute they are getting over one virus, they contract another. So now, not only is she sick. But Mommie and Daddie are now too.

Parents we know when something is wrong with our kids. We know them best. If you think something is wrong, go with your gut! Better safe than sorry is the best policy. Below are some very common symptoms to be aware of and to pay close attention too.

Fever: A CLEAR sign that their body is trying to fight something off. It's a possibility there is a viral or bacteria infection lying somewhere.

Low Grade Fever: 99.0-100.9 F
Moderate Fever: 101-103.5 F
High Grade Fever: over 103.5 F *
*If your child’s fever is over 103, I would suggest getting them to a doctor immediately!

Lethargic: Very sleepy and or tired; won’t play or do other activities they would typically enjoy. Another true sign something is up and they are not feeling too well.

Not eating: Could be a sign of illness. Monitor closely but don’t freak out. Kids go through bouts of not eating. For a week straight Dreux would only eat tatar tots and fruit. No veggies, no meat, and no nothing! The next week she was eating everything in sight.

Mommies and Daddies, it’s so very important to know the signs of illness. Since they cannot verbally express what is bothering them. We must look at their social cues and body language. Although majority of the time it’s a small bug or a common virus, never underestimate a sick child. With all the germs, bacteria, and viruses running rapid these days, it’s important to pay close very close attention to who we send our children around and what they are picking up and putting in their mouths.  Wash those hands often with mild antibacterial soap and PLEASE, PLEASE, with fall around the corner, put a hat on those babies’ beanies! If your child gets sick, please find other alternatives for child care so they do not have to go to daycare and get others sick. Its only courtesy! 

Happy Health!