Friday, March 16, 2012

What They Don't Tell You About Pregnancy

What They Don't Tell You About Pregnancy

+ Certain food you once loved, your body can no longer tolerate. I LOVE pineapples but while I was pregnant I was unable to eat them due to an allergic relation I encountered every time I indulged in this sweet juicy fruit! :-(

+ EVERYTHING swells! I didn't start experiencing swelling into late in my pregnancy, but everything from my feet to my fingers. Lucky for me my nose didn't though! :-)

+People are ALOT nicer. Everyone holds the door for you, people offer to come cook and clean for you, and you even get your own "Expectant Mother's" parking spot at the mall. :-)

+Hormones are a dangerous thing! Although I never really experienced moody world winds, there were times I found myself overly aggregated, or extremely happy. There was this one guy I worked with whose voice aggravated me to the EXTREME during my last two months I was pregnancy. I lied once and told him I had laryngitis so he would be forced to e-mail me instead on communicating verbally. "Hey! I'm Pregnant, So What"

+ Maternity clothes can actually be cute. When I was about four months pregnant, my mother and I made a trip to Motherhood Maternity. They have a lot of cute items for the working "mommie-to-be". My entire wardrobe was from there after a while, and the prices aren't bad. Make sure to get clothes with elastic and breathable material which will allow you to grow without having to purchase more clothes every month. If you are pregnant during the summer, I would suggest maxi dresses. They are comfortable, cute, and easy to use for those frequent bathroom breaks!


Early Monday morning, March 5th 2012, I began having contractions!!! Derek and I had rented a red box and enjoyed some pizza bagels before heading to bed. Dreux had been moving around all weekend and I knew she was trying to find her way out soon, just not THAT soon! We finished up what we now know to be our last "date night" as "two".

We got in the bed to get some rest and then it happened! CONTRACTIONS. For hours I had experienced back labor and contractions that ranged from 15-20mins. Around 6 o'clock that morning (5:57am to be exact) Derek began timing them. Finally I had reached the "5 min apart" threshold and he called the doc. To our surprise she wanted us to wait a little longer. I hopped in the shower, which helped my back labor tremendously. After an hour of pain I told Derek we were going to the hospital despite what the doctor said. We arrived at the hospital around 8am after being caught in the morning traffic with hundreds of other commuters on their way to work. By this time the pain had intensified and the nervousness began to set in as I realized this is the real deal! It's really happening. This is the end! My baby is on the way!!!

Once we arrive at Triage, the nurse confirmed I was only 3 1/2 cm dilated and requested Derek and I walk around for an hour to help speed things up a bit. The contractions were coming stronger and I was losing all hope of having a "natural birth". After an hour and a half of walking and enduring contractions back to back to back, I requested the epidural. I was a little disappointed I "gave in", but right before the epidural I had the STRONGEST contraction and I knew I made the right decision to get the epidural.

After the epidural was administered, I was in heaven. Being able to get some rest finally, I dozed off. When I woke up to my surprise I was 9cm!!! One centimeter to go, and I hadn't felt a contraction in hours. Within no time I was pushing out my daughter.

They placed her on my chest and I began crying immediately. Ever since Monday, March 5, 2012 at 5:22p.m. my whole entire life has changed for the better!! :-)